
Voting Information for Continental Congress

By Pamela Wright posted 06-17-2023 01:28 PM


As we are nearing Continental Congress, I would like to clarify the two different ways we will vote on the recommendations from the National Board of Management, election of national officers and the proposed amendments to the NSDAR Bylaws. Your voice matters to our Society, and the Executive Officers want you to feel comfortable with the process.

There will be a presentation on the bylaws proposals, with time for questions and answers, during the Bylaws Committee Meeting and Forum, which is open to all, on Wednesday, June 28, at 10:00 a.m. at the JW Marriott hotel.  

The proposed Application and Supplemental fee increase also will be discussed at this forum.  You will have the opportunity to ask questions.  

Detailed instructions on voting at the 132nd Continental Congress will be emailed to delegates next week.

Voting Information for the 132nd Continental Congress

Delegates must physically check in on-site at the Check-in and Registration in the We the People Dining Hall, which will confirm their status as a delegate. After checking in, delegates will receive a voter ribbon for their nametag and, after they have checked in on site, an email from Simply Voting containing their user ID and unique password will be sent to them.

There are two separate types of voting that will be conducted during Congress.

  1. IN-PERSON VOTING on Thursday, June 29, 2023 - The National Board of Management recommendation to increase Application and Supplemental fees will be voted on during the first business session on Thursday, June 29, 2023. A delegate must wear her voter ribbon with her nametag to vote or to orally address the platform. The motion will be presented, followed by an opportunity for debate, then a standing vote will be taken. Delegates must be physically present in order to debate or vote.

Proposed bylaws amendments will be presented during the same morning business session on Thursday, June 29, 2023. A delegate must wear her voter ribbon and nametag to vote or to orally address the platform. Each proposed amendment will be presented, followed by an opportunity for debate, then a standing vote will be taken for each motion. Delegates must be physically present in order to debate or vote.

  1. BALLOT VOTING on Saturday, July 1, 2023 - Voting for the election of the seven Vice Presidents General, one Honorary Vice President General, and the President General's Project will be held on Saturday, July 1, 2023, from 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. through the Simply Voting online platform.

Detailed instructions on how to use the Simply Voting platform will be emailed to delegates and posted on the Congress Insider’s Guide. Complete information about the candidates for election is contained in the June 6, 2023, blog written by Lanabeth Horgen, Recording Secretary General. Please read that blog at: Candidate information is also available on the Members’ Website announcements here: 

